Saturday, April 2, 2011

Economic Recovery Explained, Whatever

While (WE ADDED OVER 200,000 JOBS IN MARCH, 2011), low paying jobs were what got added. People are taking any job for little compensation. (THE AVERAGE WORKER'S 2% RAISE IN 2010) covers about 1/2 of our historically low inflation. (SERVICE INDUSTRY AND FACTORY JOBS RECOVERED), both low paying at entry level.
A typical healthy wage gain (per year) is 5%. Significantly, the "middle class" is currently not better off working, as we live paycheck to paycheck. We are still in the midst of a great housing collapse, with "regular" people having little equity in their homes.
Our (8.8% RECOVERING UNEMPLOYMENT RATE) converts to 19+% if underemployed are considered. The recession has added five years of mandatory employment to lives. The average wage is less than in 2007. It's not the future you envisioned for yourself but you're (better be) happy with it for now.
(CONSUMER SPENDING IS UP, HOORAY!). But the top 15%, economically speaking, spent 55% of the up tick. (THE STOCK MARKET IS HOT), where billionaires gamble your money and future. But equity or (by definition stock market) mutual fund distributions remain depressed, therefor if you can't pay-invest with enormous assets you can't play. Banks are enjoying the highest profits ever, sitting on cash and paying .005% on money markets. CEO compensation gained 27% on average in 2010. Did I see 2% somewhere?
If a retired couple has saved a quarter mil, they can just maybe pay for medical care for the rest of their lives.
And live in a tent and eat bread. Upper class philosophy is blank on the chapter which realizes the problems eventually inherent in a two class economic system. If the CEOs play their cards wrong the United States of America could have a brief "great and cultured state" duration. Collapse and rebuild anyone? (IT'S not THE FUTURE WE ENVISIONED) but we're happy with it now.